
Inserting a number (counter)
Once you insert
cannot change their
value; the value
dependson internal
Word Processing keeps track of certain information in a document, such as
the current page number, or the number of pages. "[b display any of these
numbers, insert the appropriate special number character in your document in
the format you want.
l_ To insert a special numben
1. Place the insertion point where you want to insert the number.
2. Select Insert Special from the Edit menu. A submenu appears.
3. Select Number from the submenu. A dialog box appears:
Humber Of Pages
Select a number type from this list.
Uppercase Letter (R. SoC)
LotuercLse Letter (a, b, c)
Uppercase Roman
Lom_cnse Romon
Selecta numberformatfromthislist.
4. Select the special number from the Type list:
" Page Number: This displays the current page number in the
- --documen .tsYo-u--U_nset the starting page number for a document.
Number of Pages. This displays the total number of pages in the
5. Select the number format from the Format list: Number, Uppercase Letter,
Lowercase Letter, Uppercase Roman, and Lowercase Roman (Roman
numerals such as XII or xii).
6. Click on Insert. Word Processing inserts the number from the list in the
format you specified.
7. Click on Close.
Inserting special dates
Word Processing keeps track of date information, such as the current date
and the date a document was created, revised, or printed. To display any of
these dates, insert the appropriate special date character in your document.
For example, you might use special dates in a footer to display the date on
which you printed or last revised a document.
Word Processing 61