
Once you insort
special datesyou
cannolchange their
value; bSevalue
J_ To insert a special date:
1. Place the insertion point where you want to insert the date.
2. Select InsertSpecial from the Edit menu. A submenu appear_
3. Select Special Date from the submenu. A dia/og box appears.
4. Select the special date from the Type list. The choices include the
Today's Date (Won't Change). This date is the date that you insert
the character. It does not change.
Date Doom_ent Created. This date shows when the document was
Date of Last Revision. This date shows when the document was last
Date of Printing. This date shows when the document was last
printed. Word Processing inserts the date even if you have not yet
printed the document.
5. Select the date format from the Format list: Longhand, Abbreviated,
Numeric, and so on. A sample of the selected date format appears.
6. Click on Insert. Word Processing inserts the special date from the list in the
format you specified.
7. Crick on Close.
Word Processing 62