
The Advanced Functions Tool Bar
Use the Advanced Functions tool bar for more advanced menu functions like
creating charts from spreadsheet data.
Textalignment Zoomout
Rnd andReplace ]CenteredRight ] Zoomin
NĀ°rmalsize I {I I Full
I (100%)
I cdum. I High_owC Delete
Bar l I I Pie ,
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iTool Name
A column chart plots each category as a series of vertical bars. The
height of the bar corresponds to the value of the category.
A bar chart is like a column chart except that the bars are horizontal
rather than vertical.. ,.,, ,_
A line chart is-a plot of values connected by straight lines.
An area chart is a line chart in which the area below the line is filled
:with a pattern.
Point IA point chart is a plot of points.
Pie A pie chart is a circular chart where each slice represents a part of the
whole, chart showing stock market data: high, low, and close.
High/Low A high/low chart is useful for tracking pairs of data that mark a high
and low or a start and end value, such as the price of stocks or the
day's temperature range.
Graphic Bar, Drawing Tools, and Bitmap Tools
Use the Graphic Bar, Drawing tools, and Bitmap tools for creating and editing
graphic objects in Spreadsheet. For more information on creating and editing
graphic objects, see the chapter on Drawing, which begins on page 125.
Spreadsheet 68