
Formatting Spreadsheets
Formatting options do not affect calculations; instead, they allow you to change
the appearance of a spreadsheet. This section describes how to do the
* Show and prim grid line_
Display cell borders
Create headers and footers
Add tone, shades of gray, or various patterns
Create notes
Showing Grid Lines
A grid is the matrix of horizontal or vertical lines dividing the spreadsheet
into rows and columns. Each individual line is a grid lkte. You can show
grid lines on screen and print your spreadsheet with or without them. The
default setting for grid lines is to display them.
Youcanp,intgddlines !_ To show or hide grid lines:
whether they are
visible on screen or
not. Use Page Setup
hum the File menu to_;-
specify pdnUng gdd
1. Select Other Settings from the Options menu.
2. Select Draw Grid Lines to show the grid lines.
- OR
Deselect Draw Grid Lines to hide the grid lines.
Showing Cell Borders
To create an interesting visual display of your numeric information you can
display cell borders.
l_ To display cell borders:
1. Select the cells to border.
2. Select Cell Borders from the Properties menu. The Cell Borders dialog box
3. Select the borders you want. The Outline option displays a border around
the selection and deselects Lej_, Top, Right, and Bottom.
4. Click on Apply. The dialog box remains on the screen until you close it, so
tbat you cam make changes.
5. Click on Close.
Spreadsheet 78