ESC/ P Legacy Command Reference

Table Of Contents
ESC/P Legacy Command Reference
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5. Control Command Details
5.9 Others
ESC K 8-bit single-density bit image
ASCII: ESC K n m ...
Decimal: 27 75 n m...
Hexadecimal: 1B 4B n m...
With the initial settings, same as ESC * 0.
60 dpi bit image data, n = LSB, m = MSB
ESC L 8-bit double-density bit image
ASCII: ESC L n m ...
Decimal: 27 76 n m ...
Hexadecimal: 1B 4C n m ...
With the initial settings, same as ESC * 1.
120 dpi bit image data, n = LSB, m = MSB
The details are as described in the Epson manual.