Owner's Manual

Keeping the oil-finished wood surface on your firearm looking its
best requires only a small amount of maintenance. When the surface
becomes spotted or dull, the affected area(s) can be treated using
rubbing alcohol on a soft, lint free cloth and allowed to dry. A small
amount of a linseed oil-based finish, such as Watco
Danish Oil Finish,
Danish Oil Finish or Formby’s
Tung Oil Finish should then be
applied to the surface of the wood with a soft, lint free cloth according
to the manufacturer’s instructions. To treat the checkering, a small
amount of oil-based finish can be applied and then distributed evenly
using a toothbrush or other soft bristled brush.
As with any firearm, the only way to preserve its pristine condition
and collector appeal is to never handle or fire it, which in turn would
deprive you of much of the enjoyment that comes with owning a fine
Browning firearm.
While special finishes such as engraving and gold plating greatly
enhance the aesthetic appeal of your rifle, please be aware that they
are no more durable, and in some cases may even be slightly less
durable than more common firearm finishes.
As you use your rifle, you can expect special finishes to wear in much
the same manner as any other firearm finish. These marks are the
honest product of the hours spent enjoying your firearm and each
scuff and scratch will probably have a good story to go along with it.