Installation manual

SRE-2000C 11-14-2007
1. Unscrew the (2) black screw bumpers.
2. Remove the seat frame cover.
3. Unplug the rocker switch harness located
under the seat frame.
4. Loosen both arm cover screws to remove
the covers.
5. With needle-nose pliers, remove the rocker
switch harness from the switch.
6. Carefully pull the rocker harness down
throught the arm tube.
7 Using masking tape, tape the three connec-
tors IN LINE with each other, in a staggered
conguration. This will facilitate feeding the
wires through the arm tube.
8 From the bottom of the left arm tube, slide
the rocker harness upward. When the taped
connectors are showing at the top of the
arm tube, pull the wires out to the end of
the arm pad using needle-nose pliers.
9. Using a #5 metric Allen wrench:
remove the (2) front at head
screws on the seat frame, and
LOOSEN (but do not remove) the (2)
back screws.
10. Tilt back the seat.
11. Swing the small rocker harness (under the
seat frame) toward the left-arm side to plug
into the harness in the arm tube.
12. CAREFULLY tighten all (4) at-head screws.
Use CAUTION to avoid pinching anywires.
13. Remount the seat frame cover and secure
with the 2 black screw bumpers.
14. Plug the rocker harness into the rocker
15. Slide the covers onto both ams.
16. Tighten the screws.
Changing the rocker switch to the left arm