
Lat/Lon Grid
The lat/lon grid can be displayed for any map of any scale of any projection. There are some
limitations, such as maps crossing the 180 degree longitude and maps which have a border outside a
valid lat/lon such as the example world map.
Other Grid
The grid displayed is the one selected in the "Alternate Grid" in configuration. If the UTM grid is
selected then the grid displayed on the map is a UTM grid etc.
The display of a grid is very much controlled by the map. It is really only intended for maps of scale
say 1:250,000 and below, maps cannot cross a zone boundary (the part displayed on screen anyway).
As an example you cannot expect a grid to be displayed on a map which covers a country or the
whole world. This does not apply to the UK OSGB (BNG) or the Irish Grid as the format of these
grids allow them to be handled as a special case.
I am sure you will find there will be times when the grid will not be displayed on a map.
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