User Guide

51 Appendix
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Category Data Field Description of Data Fields
Cadence The current rate at which rider is pedalling the pedals.
The accumulated power output in kilojoules for the current
Max CAD The maximum cadence for current activity.
LapAvgCad The average cadence for the current lap.
LLapAvCad The average cadence for the last finished lap.
Heart Rate
The number of times your heart beats per minute. It re-
quires compatible HR sensor pairing connection to your
Avg HR The average heart rate for current activity.
Max HR The maximum heart rate for current activity.
Your current heart rate divided by Maximum Heart Rate.
MHR means that the maximum number of beats made by
your heart in 1 minute of effort. (MHR is different from
Max HR. You will need to set MHR in User Profile)
Your current heart rate divided by Lactate Threshold Heart
Rate. LTHR means that the average heart rate while in the
intense exercise at which the blood concentration of lac-
tate begins to exponentially increase. (You will need to set
LTHR in User Profile)
HR Zone The current range of your Heart Rate (Zone 1 to Zone 7).
MHR Zone
The current range of your Maximum Heart Rate Pecentage
heart rate (Zone 1 to Zone 75).
The current range of your Lactate Threshold Heart Rate
Percentage (Zone 1 to Zone 7).
LapAvgHR The average heart rate for the current lap.
LLapAvgHR The average heart rate for the last finished lap.
Lap MHR% The average of MHR% for the current lap.
Lap LTHR% The average of LTHR% for the current lap.
Power Now Current Power in Watt.
Avg Power The average power for the current activity.
Max Power The maximum power for the current activity.
LapAvgPw The average power for the current lap.
LapMaxPw The maximum power for the current lap.
3s power 3 seconds average of power
10s power 10 seconds average of power
30s power 30 seconds average of power
NP (Normalized
An estimate of the power that you could have maintained
for the same physiological “cost” if your power had been
perfectly constant, such as on an ergometer, instead of
variable power output.