User manual

7.3 Gain Reduction
Once the input signal has exceeded the threshold point on scale, the
compressor starts to operate, and gain reduction will occur. The amount of
gain reduction being used is displayed on the GAIN REDUCTION meter. Gain
reduction is a useful way of expressing compressor action as it gives an
instantaneous indication of how much the signal is actually being processed. If,
for example, a particular signal transient exceeds the threshold point by 12dB
and the ratio knob is set to 2:1, then we would expect the output to have only
increased by 6dB (providing the attack and release controls are set
accordingly). Assuming the gain control is at 0dB, the difference between the
input and output levels of 6dB then represent the amount of gain reduction
which has occurred and will be displayed on the gain reduction meter as 6dB.
The range of the gain reduction meter is set to display the first 24dB of the
35dB VCA operating window.
7.4 Output Meter
This meter monitors the signal level at the output of the DPR-422, and gives
you an absolute reading of its level. If the rear panel OPERATING LEVEL is in
the +4dBu position, the meter will read accurately in dBu. If the switch is set to
-10dBV, the meter will read in dB relative to -14dBV.