User manual

522 Jack Input
5.3 Key returns
The side chain insert inputs are electronically balanced via stereo 5mm jack
sockets at an impedance greater than 100k Ohms. The ‘HOT, +, or in phase
connection is to the jack plug tip, the ‘COLD, - or out of phase’ connection to
the ring. The shield is internally connected to the chassis earth via a low
value capacitor. This ensures freedom from ground loops whilst allowing good
EMC performance. The screen of the cable must be connected to the jack
plug shield to ensure continued compliance with EMC regulations. The cable
shield ground should be connected to the equipment which is providing the
input signal.
Fig 5.5
Fig 5.6
Fig 5.4
When using the DPR-522 to drive unbalanced inputs, best performance is
usually obtained by connecting the DPR-522s ‘+’ signal to the equipment
signal pin and the ‘-’ signal to the equipment shield.
The DPR-522 shield should normally be connected to the equipment shield,
preferably at the equipment end. Transformer isolated outputs are also
available as a dealer fitted option.
When feeding the DPR-522 from unbalanced sources, connect the signal
conductor to the jack plug tip and the cable screen to the plug ring and
522 Jack Input