User manual

Normally the DPR-522 would be configured as a gate, that is to say that the
signal will be ‘cut off’ unless triggered, whereupon the signal will be passed
through. DUCK MODE forces the opposite to happen; i.e. when there is NO
trigger event (signal above threshold or DC/switch trigger) the DPR-522 will
pass signals. When triggered by any of the normal means, the DPR-522 will
attenuate the program to a level set by the range control.
This facility is most often used in broadcast or PA applications to allow an
announcer to ‘talk over’ the normal program.
In duck mode the operation of the attack and release controls could be
considered reversed. The time taken for the DPR-522 to reduce the program
after being triggered is set with the RELEASE control, the time to restore the
program after the event is set with the ATTACK control. The HOLD control
works in the normal way.
6.14 Duck mode
6.15 Stereo link
With this switch depressed, both channels of the DPR-522 can be made to
operate simultaneously.
The key signals from both channels are added together and applied to the
controls and key level meter of channel 1 for processing in the normal
manner. The gain control stage for channel 2 is disconnected from the
channel 2 controls and connected instead to the control from channel 1.
Therefore if either channel provides a sufficiently large key signal, both
channels will open together with the gate status being displayed on channel
1s LEDs.
In STEREO LINK mode, all the controls on channel 2, including the meter and
status LEDs EXCEPT KEY EXT, are disabled. Channel 2 KEY EXT still operates
and will select either the channel 2 main signal or the channel 2 key return
signal for summing to channel 1.
If it is not required for the side-chain signal of channel 2 to be summed with
channel one, or visa versa, then the respective KEY EXT switch should be
depressed. This then disconnects that channel’s signal - provided nothing is
externally connected to the rear panel KEY IN jack socket.
The main program inputs and outputs are not connected in any way in stereo
mode, only the gating functions are linked together.
Control operations