User's Manual

In a multi-site study of the California Functional Capacity Protocol (Matheson, et al, 1996), the
authors demonstrated that SFS test results are closely linked to work capacity performance
measures. Furthermore, the SFS provided the best single indicator of client effort.
Cardiovascular Menu
A variety of cardiovascular tests are included in the software for you to utilize.
The Astrand protocol is a bike ergometer test used to determine a client’s aerobic capacity. The
software can be used in two ways. The test can be completed away from the system and the
KPM/min and final heart rate entered. The software will calculate the aerobic capacity for the
client. Alternatively the test can be completed on an integrated fashion with ODES. The evaluator
can click on Start Timer and if the client has the heart rate monitor on, the heart rate will be
captured each minute after the first three minutes of the test until the client’s stead state heart
rate is obtained. Click on Capture to add the heart rate value to the Heart Rate Report.