User's Manual

must also indicate whether you will be importing all the templates in the source ODES database, or just
the current template.
Print the Job Demands Templates by clicking Print. The report can also be printed by clicking Export to
create the report as a Word document (if you have Microsoft Office installed on your computer), or by
creating a report Snapshot (see the Snapshot section of this manual).
To edit a Job Demand Template, select the job from the dropdown menu, click Edit and make any
required changes. To remove a Job Demand Template, select the job from the dropdown menu and click
To use a Job Demands Template, from the Job Demands screen in ODES for a paryicular client, select
the job from the dropdown menu and click Populate. This will add the Header, job task, job demand level,
units and information source to the appropriate fields. Complete the Ability Demonstrated fields, and
determine whether there is a job match or not.
To add a Job Demand template from the Job Demands screen, click on Add to Template.
Protocol Hibernation
This feature allows you to place existing protocols, which you may not use often, into a separate folder
thereby allowing you to free space within the protocol pages. You can add and remove protocols from
this feature without losing data or deleting testing information. Protocol hibernation can also be accessed
through the protocol pages.