User's Manual

The “R” that corresponds with each trial is located to either the left or right of the initial result obtained.
For example, for trial one on the left side of the body, the “R” is located to the left of the result obtained by
the client. To redo this trial, click the R. ODES will then ask if this trial should be retested. Click OK and
perform the trial again.
Protocol Information
Standard Hand Grip:
The “Hand Grip – Standard” test is performed per the BTE Hand Grip Protocol with a JAMAR handgrip
dynamometer. This device is utilized to measure handgrip strength in both the right and left hands.
Prepare the grip dynamometer by setting the adjustable handle spacing in position 2 (1-1/2 inches), or the
second position away from the fixed handle.
The device must be presented to the client with the cord attachment on top in order to conform to the
metacarpal arch of the hand.
Retest Option
“R” Button
It is important to note that once a testing screen is closed or a new trial is
created, the measurements that were obtained will be locked and none o
these can be retested.