User's Manual

The BTE Protocol for Rapid Exchange Handgrip Strength testing will automatically prompt ODES to
perform a cross-reference validity check
to compare the results of the Rapid Exchange or MMVE to the
Standard handgrip results. ODES will automatically calculate and compare the values obtained from
strength test performance using the grip dynamometer in position two for all tests. The client’s strength
values recorded during the Standard or MMVE tests are not expected to show a variance of greater than
15% from those recorded during Rapid Exchange handgrip strength testing.
Creating A New Hand Grip Test:
The ODES software allows for the creation of new protocols. In order to do so, enter the page from which
tests can be chosen. In this case, enter the Strength Test or Work Sim Test page. At the bottom of the
page is a button labelled New Test.
After selecting this option, the following page will appear:
Select the Integrated Isometric Work Simulation Protocol or Integrated Strength Test Protocol option in
this menu in order to begin customizing the new Hand Grip test.
It is important that the client does not grip the dynamometer firmly prior to
beginning the test to ensure proper calculation of the starting threshold. The
voice prompt will announce “Start Test Now” to indicate when firm pressure
should be a