User's Manual

Attaching the Independent ER shelf
Identify the Accessory arm to which the ER shelf will be attached (upper or lower arm).Ensure that the
Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint is not attached to the desired arm.
Locate the short black handle on the right hand side of the accessory. Grip the handle and gently give it
a ¼ turn in a counterclockwise direction. Locate the small silver pin adjacent to the short black handle.
Grip the pin and pull it outward (further to the right). Twist the pin gently in either direction. Grip the
independent ER shelf and slide its end into the opening of the accessory arm’s end. Grip the short black
handle and turn it clockwise until it locks. Grip the small round silver pin adjacent to the short handle and
twist it gently until a clicking sound is heard.
Removing the Independent ER shelf
Locate the short handle on the right-hand side of the accessory. Turn the handle gently counter clockwise
of a rotation. Locate the small silver pin adjacent to the short black handle. Grip the small silver pin
and pull it outward gently (further to the right). Twist the pin in any direction approximately ¼ turn. Grip
the Independent ER shelf with both hands and gently rock it back and forth until it slides out of the
accessory arm.
Horizontal Shelf Rotation
Whether the independent ER shelf or the accessory ER shelf is being used, the shelves can rotate in a
horizontal plane parallel to the ground. Once the shelf is attached to an ER arm, it may be rotated to the
left or right in increments of 45-degree angles. In order to rotate a shelf, follow these instructions:
Ensure that the shelf is firmly attached to an ER arm. Grip the shelf from its bottom and sides and pull
upward until a clicking sound is heard or some give is felt in the shelf. Twist the shelf in the direction of
desired rotation. A clicking sound will be heard at each 45-degree increment.
While the ER shelves can rotate 360 degrees in the horizontal plane, it is not recommended
that testing be conducted with the shelf rotated 180 degrees. This places the safety strip at
the front of the shelf, and may interfere with the safe placement of weights on the shelf
during testing.