User's Manual

Rotating the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint in the coronal plane
Once the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint is inserted into the
appropriate ER arm, locate the short black handle at the end of the ER arm.
Turn the handle in a counterclockwise direction approximately ¼ rotation.
Locate the small silver pin adjacent to the short black handle.
Grip the pin and pull it out to the right.
While maintaining the pin in an outward position, twist it gently in any
Grip the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint firmly and rotate it in the
coronal plane to the desired angle. A ruler at the junction of the accessory
arm and the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint indicates the angle of
rotation. This ruler has markings at 2-degree increments and labels at 15-
degree increments.
Once the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint has been rotated to the desired position, grip the small
round silver pin and twist it gently until it returns to its locked position (tucked into the left). When you
rotate the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint to angles of 90-degree increments (i.e. 90, 180, 270, and
360 degrees) the small silver pin will click into place to lock these angles into position. For all other
angles, a click will not be heard, and the short black handle must be firmly secured to lock the Accessory
Housing Joint in position.
Grip the short black handle and turn it in a counterclockwise direction until it is firmly tightened.
Adjusting the height and orientation of the ER arms
The upper and lower arms of the ER can be moved up, down, and
rotated in a horizontal plane parallel to the ER platform.
The arms can be used during functional tests in combination or
individually. For example, when performing a dynamic lift capacity
assessment, you may attach a shelf to the lower accessory arm and
have a client lift an object from the floor to the lower shelf.
Alternatively, you may choose to attach both shelves, and have a client
lift an object from one shelf to the other. The shelves can be used to
simulate job-specific tasks facilitated by the ability to adjust the height
and orientation of both ER arms.
Prior to performing any testing, ensure that all handles are securely locked. When unlocking
handles, only ¼ turn is necessary. Overturning will cause the handle to unscrew and fall off.
When rotating the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint in the coronal plane, ensure that you do
not pull out the Multiplanar Accessory Housing Joint or drop it.