User's Manual

entered on the screen and included in the report. Select the rest of the parameters for the test. Once
Close is clicked the test will be saved and can be assigned to clients.
Work Simulation Tests
There are a number of different accessories that can be placed in a variety of positions to simulate
various work tasks.
Some preprogrammed tests, such as Static Push and Pull Strength tests require these accessories to be
placed in various positions and at various heights on the ER stand depending on the task being
To allow the task to be replicated at a future date and to provide further details to the readers of the
report, complete the custom fields on the page. Acc. Rot. Angle refers to the accessory rotation angle,
which is the angle of the FOCUS in relation to the ER arm. The Accessory Angle refers to the angle of the
handle to the FOCUS. The Handle type refers to the attachment in the FOCUS (i.e. straight bar, single
handle etc). The Foot Placement refers to the placement of the client’s feet (i.e. staggered, together etc)
based on the task requirement (i.e. pushing a cart or push controls in a confined space).
Click Start Test to start the test. A pop-up window will remind you to ask the client to not touch the device
so the FOCUS can calibrate itself with the handle attachment.