User's Manual Part 1

section 06
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Through the ODES software, you can access many pre-programmed protocols as well as cre-
ate customized protocols. The following protocol categories can be accessed through the Home
•Self Reports •Cardio •ROM Tests •Strength Tests •Clinical Tests
BTE Technologies recommends that the MCU™ be used in conjunction with a certified training
program on The Melbourne Protocol. This training program covers the practical and clinical appli-
cation of Evaluation Protocols for patients suffering from various cervical disorders. Precautions,
indications, and contra-indications for the evaluation of patients on the MCU™ are also covered.
Refer to Section 10 for more information on this training program.
ODES includes several pre-programmed Self Report protocols, which are intended to be com-
pleted without the use of any tools. These are typically questionnaires used to evaluate the
patient’s perceived level of injury and pain.
Access the pre-programmed Self Reports protocols by clicking the Self Reports icon on the
Home Screen.
This will bring you to the Self Reports Protocols main page. From this page you have the
ability to access all the pre-programmed protocols, including those in hibernation, add and
remove tests to clients, create new range of motion tests, edit tests, and delete tests (Fig-
ure 6-1).
Step 1. Assign a test to a client by highlighting the test in the left box and clicking Add to
Client or by double clicking on the test in the left box.
Step 2. Once a test has been assigned to a client, highlight the test name in the right box
and click Perform Test to bring up the testing screen.
Step 3. Fill out the questionnaire using the following options: a) Read the questions aloud
and enter in the answers; b) Allow the patient to enter in the answers via the computer; c)
Print out the questionnaire and allow the patient to enter in the answers on the paper.
Step 4. Store and/or file the questionnaire according to your clinic’s procedures.
Figure 6-1. Self Reports Protocol Screen