User's Manual Part 2

section 08
40040005 rev. 000
Multiple dates can be tracked within the software in order to perform continual conditioning
programs. The software also reminds you to do re-assessments to compliment the condition-
ing program. There is no limit or cap to how many conditioning programs a client may perform.
The date does not need to be manually inputted into the correct field. Instead, it will be im-
ported automatically after the rehab program has been initiated. You may also double click in
the blank field – a calendar will appear and you can select the correct date (Figure 8-10).
To enter your name as a supervising practitioner, your name must be entered in case informa-
tion. If you have already entered yourself as a supervising practitioner, your name will appear
in the drop down menu. If not, go into case information; double click in the space besides su-
pervising practitioner (Figure 8-11).
Then, fill out the health practitioner screen (Figure 8-12).
Double click
for calendar
Figure 8-10. Setting the Date
Figure 8-11. Adding Supervising Practitioner
Figure 8-12. Health Practitioner Information