User's Manual

MBSC2100-005-RUCM11 April 15, 2013
Page 56
5.3.3 Alarms Optical Link Alarms
Optical Link alarms at the FIU will occur for various reasons:
1. Remote Node not in service: The Remote Node connected to the specific FIU link is not yet powered
2. Remote Node malfunctioning: connected to the specific FIU link is in an error state
3. Fiber issue: The fiber link between the specific FIU and the Remote Node has excessive loss
(possibly due to breakage or to dirty optical connectors)
4. No Remote Node: there is no plan to connect a Remote Node to the FIU (an FIU card supports two
links and one link is not used in this system).
In Figure 38- Main Page Expanded Topology the FIU in slot 3 is indicating an alarm state. Note the following
in Figure 46 – Optical Link Alarms:
1. The LED indicator for the FIU in slot 3 is not solid Green
a. A flashing red state indicates an alarm
2. There is a red “balloon” extending from the FIU in slot 3
a. The FIU supports two fiber connections: 1C indicates 1 alarm condition exists, 2C indicates 2
alarm conditions exist
3. There are no remote Nodes connected to the FIU in slot 3, and no fiber are extending from the FIU
a. In this case the HU recognizes there are no Remote Nodes connected
4. The FIU in Slot 6 is showing green operational status
a. No alarms are being reported, yet there is only one fiber extending from the FIU in connection
b. Normally this FIU would report an alarm state for F2 (“1C” showing in the red alarm balloon)
c. No alarm state is shown because the user disabled Optical Transceiver 2 Alarms