User's Manual

Table Of Contents
mBSC-CM December 15, 2015
Page 4
3 System Overview and Unit Description
3.1 System Overview
The MBSC-C system is a multi-operator, multi-band and multi-technology coverage system that provides
in-building / venue coverage for up to five operating bands. Large buildings typically interfere with the
transmission or reception of cellular phone system signals by imposing high attenuation losses on the RF
signal. The mBSC system is designed to overcome these losses which otherwise make cellular
communications within buildings or structures difficult or impossible. With the mBSC system, cellular phone
RF signals can be distributed to the interior areas of any building or structure to eliminate dead spots and
improve reception.
The MBSC-C coverage solution interconnects to, and extends, the wireless service provider base station
equipment (BTS) and service antennas. A functional overview is illustrated below.
Figure 3mBSC System Functional Overview
The mBSC system provides downlink signal amplification and uplink sensitivity improvement for multi-band
RF signals, which may be comprised of multiple carriers and multiple standards.
The Host Unit provides the input interface for RF signals from a base transceiver station (BTS). The Host
Unit converts the RF signals into a digital format and distributes the digitized signal over fiber to multiple
output ports. An optional Multi-operator Point-of-Interface (POI) combines multiband BTS inputs from
several operators into a single TXin / RXout interface to the Host Unit. Refer to SP-MBSC-C-POI for
additional details.
The Remote Node receives the optical signals from the Host Unit, converts the signals back into RF and
interfaces with the service antennas to amplify the RF signals throughout the building. The Remote Node is
typically wall-mounted within an equipment room.