Instruction Manual

NIRCal 5.5 Software Manual
166 NIRCal 5.5 Manual, Version A
On the top of the protocol about some general information about the calibration, the calibrated
properties are listed and the filter setting are visible. The calibration max. allowed residual is
important to note.
Each spectra name is listed with the number. Behind the number there is the symbol, which
identification case it is. The actual residual will be compared with the allowed max. residual and in
case it is higher, the spectrum is a residual outlier and will be not identified: residual criteria is not
fulfilled. The possible scores outliers are less important: LINK: Cluster Cal.Protocol. Under predicted
property the filed is empty, if the spectrum is not a cluster. There is the name of the cluster, in case the
spectrum is in a certain cluster.
In case the predicted and original property names are matching, it is correct prediction: spectra 1-15.