User's Manual

Your Link–Mobile system sends Alerts when the Wearer
manually requests help by squeezing the buttons on the
Wristband or Communications Clip or when the Wristband
senses movement indicative of a fall.
Clip or Wristband Alert — When the Emergency
Response Center Agent sees an Alert, the Agent will call
the Wearer via the Communications Clip to ascertain their
needs and then seek to arrange the appropriate assistance.
Following the Wearer’s predefined sequence, emergency
contacts will be notified by phone. If help is needed from
local emergency service providers (police, ambulance, fire,
EMT), the Agent will contact them on behalf of the Wearer.
If the Emergency Response Center Agent cannot make
contact with or hear the Wearer, a call will be made
to the emergency contacts in the order listed in the
Wearers profile. When the call to the Communications
Clip has ended, the Link–Mobile Communications Clip
will automatically be reset by the Help Center computers,
ready to work again when needed. A tone on the Clip will
indicate the voice communications session has ended.
Automatic Fall Alert — If the Wristband detects an event
such as an abrupt shock or rapid change in acceleration,
the Link–Mobile system is designed to interpret this as a
potential fall. Both the Wristband and the Clip will vibrate
and the LED on both will flash blue continuously.
If in range, the Wristband will send an Alert to the
Communications Clip, which then sends an Alert signal to
the Help Center computers over the cellular network.