User's Manual

Care Innovations
created Link–Mobile to help people
summon and receive help within the early minutes after a
life-threatening event like a stroke, car accident, heart attack
or fall. Timely response can mean recovering faster and
suffering less severe complications.
Link–Mobile pairs a cellular Communications Clip to
a discreet Wristband. The Wristband, which may be
comfortably worn day and night, can be set to manually
or automatically trigger a notification to be sent to friends,
neighbors, and loved ones or directly to our 24-hour a day
Emergency Response Center. The Communications Clip is
a pocket-sized device, so it is easy to take along when you
leave home. Carry it in a purse, wear it on a belt, or clip it
to a car’s seatbelt when driving. In the event of an incident,
your notification, along with your location, will be sent
automatically to the Emergency Response Center, and a text
message and email will be sent to listed personal emergency
contacts, enabling the Communications Clip to receive calls.
In addition to being ready to request help in an emergency,
Wearers can view their daily activity and set personal goals
to encourage healthful movement and other activities.
Immediate access to help minimizes the concern of not
being able to reach out in an emergency.