Installation/Maintenance Guide

Cleaning and maintenance
Logano G201 - Subject to technical modifications.
10.1.1 Frequent cleaning
The ashes must be removed from the combustion cham-
ber/ash pan every 1 – 3 days.
V Open the ash pan door [2].
V Fold the front grate downwards and remove the seg-
ment plate (Æ Fig. 30, page 33, and Fig. 31, page 33).
V Tip the combustion residues into the ash pan.
V Insert the segment plate and fold the front grate
V Remove the combustion residues from the ash pan
with the ash shovel [1].
Fig. 38 Cleaning the ash pan
1 Ash shovel
2 Ash pan door
10.1.2 Monthly cleaning
The flue gas collector and the collector cleanout
(Æ Fig. 40, page 40) must be checked monthly and
cleaned if necessary. Insufficient cleaning can cause
damage to the boiler and the voiding of warranty claims.
Hot gas flue, cleaning
V Open the fuel fill door [2] and remove the waste steam
plate [1].
V Clean ash residues from the hot gas flues with a brush.
V Insert the waste steam plate [1] and close the fuel filler
door [2].
V Take the steps described under 9.1.1.
Fig. 39 Hot gas flue, cleaning
1 Waste steam plate
2 Fuel filler door
Do not place hot ashes in plastic and waste
Warning: Risk of system damage due to in-
sufficient maintenance and cleaning!
V Clean the heat exchanger heat flues and
the flue gas header regularly.