Operating instructions

Special functions (additional menu)9
62 Operating instructions RC30 programmable room thermostat • Issue 02/2006
We reserve the right to make any changes due to technical modifications.
9.3 Setting the bank holiday function
You can choose to interrupt the current heating program if your
daily routine changes for a short time.
If there is a bank holiday coming, for example, or you want to
spend a day off at home, you can adopt the heating times from
your Saturday heating program for these days. The heating
settings for this period are then the same as for a Saturday.
z Open the additional menu (see Chapter 9.1 "Opening and
using the additional menu", page 57).
Using the dial select "ADD MENU BNK HOLIDAY".
Press and release the "Display" button. You are now in the "BNK
HOLIDAY" menu.
Hold down the "Display" button and select the required heating
circuit with the dial.
Release the "Display" button. Now you can choose between
RC30 heating circuits (only displayed if heating circuit 1 and
heating circuit 2 are assigned to the RC30)
Heating circuit 1 or 2
DHW (including DHW circulation)
Entire system (heating circuits and DHW)
The set bank holiday function starts at 00:00 on the start day and
ends at 00:00 on the end day. You can only enter one bank
holiday period at a time.