
Note: After setting up WEP in the WLA-L11G, it will be necessary to reseiect
the WLA-L11G in your Network Preferences. Refer to StepIO, Pages 12-13,
for reselection. Select ESS-ID "OOOOOOGROUP". Type in the WEP
code beside "Network Password" (Picture 41), exactly as you did in
the WLA-L11G screen, and select "Apply Now".
Page 17
Preferred Network: OOOOOOGROUP
Picture 41
Network Password:
14) Setting up an administrator password.
14.1) Relaunch your Internet Browser. Input "httpy/" as the URL and
press "return" on your keyboard. The WLA-L11G start-up screen will appear.
Select "Advanced Settings". On the left side of the Advanced Settings
Screen, select "Password"
(Picture 42).
14.2) Enter a password of up to eight
alphanumeric characters, and the
underscore (_) symbol in the "New
Password" and the "Confirm Password"
boxes. The password is case sensitive.
Select "Set" (Picture 43).
Picture 42 Advanced Settings
Return to TOP page
Picture 43
Administr ator's User Name £ root
New Password £ |
Confiim Password £