User's Manual

WHR-G300N User Manual 46
Parameter Meaning
8..&%$"1BSBNFUFST You don't usually need to change these settings. Using the default
settings is recommended.
The following priorities may be applied to individual transmission
queue, these packets are processed in order of priority.
CWmin, CWmax
The contention window is used in the frame collision avoidance
value in the window, the higher the probability that the queue
obtains the right to send.
interval of sending frames, the faster the algorithm can restart. As
a result, the priority of the queue is higher.
TXOP Limit
The period of time that the queue can use after obtaining the
right to send. The unit is 32 ms. The longer this time, the more
frames can be sent per right to send. However, the que may
(zero), only one frame can be sent per right to send.
Admission Control
Restricts new frames from interfering with a previous queue. New
packets are prioritized lower until a queue of them is collected. As
the new queue accumulates more packets, its priority increases.
WHR-G300N V2 User Manual