
3 Settings will be displayed.
• The first time you go through setup, you'll be given a chance to change the default password, correct the
time zone settings, and select the RAID mode (models with 2+ drives only). Step though the wizard to
change these settings.
• If you tap any buttons, you will need to enter a username and password.
• Tap Desktop to show Advanced Settings. This screen gives the full array of settings that could be changed
from a computer, but is not optimized for mobile devices.
Settings That Can Be Changed from Your Mobile Device
You can change the following settings from your mobile device:
• Create users, change usernames and passwords.
• Create shared folders.
• Configure WebAccess settings to remotely access your LinkStation.
• Configure your LinkStation to use with DLNA-compatible devices on the LAN.
• Configure and dismount USB devices connected to your NAS, including Direct Copy options and print server
• Update the firmware.
• Recover the RAID array when a drive fails (models with 2+ drives only).