User manual

Using your LinkStation
LinkStation User Manual 30
Notes:• If you change the LinkStations name, you will no longer be able to use domain users and
groups or access restrictions. Rejoin the domain.
If a domain user name contains more than 20 bytes, the LinkStation truncates it to 20 bytes.
The LinkStation only downloads the rst 1000 users or the rst 1000 groups from a domain
If you operate LinkStation as a member server of NT Domain or Active Directory domain,
you cannot connect as a guest user via AFP.
When you change the user or group settings on the domain controller, these changes may
not take eects immediately on LinkStation. If you need to reect changes on the domain
controller immediately, reboot LinkStation.
If your LinkStation is a member server in NT Domain or Active Directory domain and you
change the [Authentication Method] to [Workgroup] in [Network] - [Workgroup/Domain]
- [Modify Settings] on the Web Admin interface, the computer account on the domain
controller will not be deleted automatically.
If it has joined a domain network, you cannot connect to the LinkStation via FTP.