
Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH - DD-WRT Wiki
http://dd-wrt.com/wiki/index.php/Buffalo_WZR-HP-G300NH#Working_.2F_Not_Working_Features[10/25/2010 1:00:10 PM]
like a radar thing... don't know how to describe it really)
5. When the wireless led is on, you are ready to go.
Final Notes
At this point, in linux, you want to just re-enable network manager with
You will see a notification icon that says you are connected. You should click it, disconnect, then re-connect. You
should receieve an IP of something like
NOTE that this is not in the 192.168.11.X subnet. If you get something like or then
something didn't work. Also, if you don't get an IP address assigned, something didn't work. As a last ditch effort, you
could restart your computer to see if it works.
Also, per DD-WRT defaults, your router should now be broadcasting a WI-FI network on the SSID of "dd-wrt".
If you get an IP on the 192.168.1.X network, then congratulations, you are good to go. open up a web browser (see
below) and get to to begin setting up your router.
NOTE: for some reason chrome/chromium isn't working on the web interface. I had to use firefox. Use Firefox for
the web interface!
Working / Not Working Features
Feature Working Notes
OK - tested with V24-
preSP2 build 13832
802.11n mode
OK - tested with V24-
preSP2 build 13832
If you want security enabled you must use WPA2 + AES
OK - tested with V24-
preSP2 build 13832
Tested FAT32 flash drive. more info: USB_storage ... also tested ext3
automount to /opt ... it works
it seems that ipkg update doesn't work. and ipkg install do not fully work. "sort" command missing. "netstat"
command missing. ipkg-opt could not be installed. so the optware could not work.
Samba Configuration
The DD-WRT already included a build-in samba, but missing ui configuration, while waiting the ui configuration, I
write a simple instruction to setup samba.
The instructions here is base on
http://g300nh.blogspot.com/2010/06/samba-sharing-in-dd-wrt.html , but have
some modify to easy setup with user not family with linux, all setup can be done with dd-wrt interface, and don't
need to use shell of dd-wrt.
Pre Requirements
DD-WRT don't have any tools to format you hdd, so you must have a hdd in the format dd-wrt can understand
(fat32, ext3...)
Goto Services/USB section in dd-wrt, Change the setting as below:
After apply the change, if you already plugin you hdd, you should see the information of hdd in dd-wrt
sudo service networking start
sudo service network-manager start
Core USB Support: Enable
USB 2.0 Support: Enable
USB Storage Support: Enable
ext2 / ext3 File System Support: Enable
FAT File System Support: Enable
Automatic Drive Mount: Enable
Disk Mount Point: /mnt