
274 IEC Connectors
IEC Connectors
C14 and C16 IEC Inlet - Vertical
Vertical Module Arrangement
Inlet with 2.8mm or 6.3mm tags
Double Pole Switch/
Voltage Selectors/
Blanking Plate
Filtered Inlet Option
Options of I/O marked switches
Type of Inlet / Outlet
C14 Power Inlet
(cold condition),
6.3 or 2.8mm tabs:
03 = PX0575/63
04 = PX0575/28
C16 Power Inlet (hot
condition), 6.3 or
2.8mm tabs:
05 = PX0595/63
06 = PX0595/28
Please note type 05
and 06 are not
available in
ltered version
Filtered or Non Filtered Inlet
Z0000 = Non Filtered
Axxxx = Standard
For Filtered inlet use 6th
to 9th characters from lter
ordering code see page 178
E.g. BZV03/A0120/07
Twin Fuseholder and Double Pole
05 = 2 x FX0359 + D.P. Switch
Twin Fuseholder and Double Pole Neon
06 = 2 x FX0359 + D.P. Red Neon
09 = 2 x FX0359 + D.P. Green Neon
19 = 2 x FX0359 + D.P. Red Neon
Switch 125V
Twin Fuseholder and Neon Indicator:
07 = 2 x FX0359 + Red Neon
Voltage Selector, Fuseholder and Double
Pole Switch:
15 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x FX0359 +
Double Pole switch
Voltage Selector, Fuseholder and Double
Pole Neon Switch:
16 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x FX0359 + D.P.
Red Neon Switch
18 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x FX0359 + D.P.
Green Neon Switch
Voltage Selector, Fuseholder and Neon
17 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x FX0359 + Red
Neon Indicator
Twin Fuseholder and Double Pole High
Inrush Switch:
20 = 2 x FX0359 + D.P. High Inrush
Twin Fuseholder and Double Pole High
Inrush Neon Switch:
21 = 2 x FX0359 + 1 x D.P. High
Inrush Green Neon Switch
22 = 2 x FX0359 + 1 x D.P. High
Inrush Red Neon Switch
Voltage Selector, Neon Indicator and
Double Pole Switch
25 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x
DX0928/110V/Red + D.P. Switch
26 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x
DX0928/110V/Green + D.P. Switch
27 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Red + D.P. Switch
28 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Green + D.P. Switch
Voltage Selector, Neon Indicator and
Double Pole High Inrush Switch:
29 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Red + D.P. High Inrush
30 = 1 x VS0001 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Green + D.P. High
Inrush Switch
Fuseholder, Neon Indicator and Double
Pole Switch
31 = 1 x FX0359 + 1 x
DX0928/110V/Red + D.P. Switch
32 = 1 x FX0359 + 1 x
DX0928/110V/Green + D.P. Switch
33 = 1 x FX0359 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Red + D.P. Switch
34 = 1 x Fx0359 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Green + D.P. Switch
Fuseholder, Neon Indicator and Double
Pole High Inrush Switch:
35 = 1 x FX0359 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Red + D.P. High Inrush
36 = 1 x FX0359 + 1 x
DX0928/250V/Green + D.P. High
Inrush Switch
Fuseholder, Blanking Plate and Double
Pole High Inrush Neon Switch:
47 = 1 x FX0359 + 1 x Blanking Plate
(Right) + D.P. High Inrush Green Neon
Fuseholder, Blanking Plate and Double
Pole Switch:
48 = 1 x FX0359 + 1 x Blanking Plate
(Right) + D.P. Switch
How to order -
Combination of Other Components