User's Manual

The Kodak Ektra smartphone has an embedded battery. To
charge the battery:
1. Connect the USB cable that came with your mobile phone
to the charger.
Note: Use only Kodak approved chargers and cables. The
Kodak Ektra smartphone uses USB 3.0 cables and connectors.
Unapproved equipment may cause damage to the device.
2. Connect the USB 3.0 cable to the USB port of your phone.
Note: The orientation of the USB 3.0 cable is not critical as
it is in USB 2.0 charge cables. Be careful not to use excessive force when plugging in the USB cable. Damage can be
caused by attempting to insert the connector incorrectly.
Note: This is not covered by the warranty.
3. Connect the USB to the appropriate AC mains plug and connect safely to the mains power supply.
4. You will need to charge the device before using it for the irst time. When charging is complete, either the word
charged’ is shown on the unlock screen or ‘100%’ can be seen in place of the battery icon (top right). Remove the
connector from the device and then remove the wall charger.
Important Information About the Battery:
If the battery is completely discharged, it may take a few minutes before the charging icon appears.
If the battery has not been used for a long period of time, you may not be able to initially power on your mobile
phone immediately after you begin charging the battery. Allow the battery to charge for a few minutes with the phone
powered o before attempting to power on the phone. The on-screen charge animation may not be displayed during
this period.
The time required to charge the battery depends on the environmental temperature and the age of the battery.
When the battery power level is low, the phone plays an alert and displays a prompt. When the battery power is almost
exhausted, your phone will power o automatically.
7.1 Powering On Your Mobile Phone
1. Press and hold the Power button.
2. The irst time you power on your phone, you will see a Welcome screen. Select your preferred language and touch
the Start icon to continue with the set up process.
Note: If personal identiication number (PIN) protection is enabled on your SIM Card, you will be asked to enter your
PIN before the Welcome screen. A Wi-Fi or Data connection is needed to complete the set up process. You will now
be prompted to sign in with your existing Google account, or set up a new account and complete the set up process.
Note: You can skip the account set up process to complete at another time. A Google account is required to use some
of the Google services on oer through your device.