Operation Manual

Weekly switch
switch timer
Example of the programming of the permanent access function
Architects office:
(this function is only available with TSE 3003!)
Owner: Not allocated to any timer, unlimited access.
Within the time window defined by timer B, he can
activate the permanent access function, e.g. after the
office is opened in the morning, the door can be left
permanently open for visitors.
Staff: Allocated to timer B (can activate permanent access):
Time window 1: Mo – Fr, 9-16 hours
Time window 2: Fr, 7-8:59 hours
Time window 3: Sa, 8-10 hours
Cleaners: Allocated to timer A (only individual access possible):
Time window 1: Mo – Fr, 9–10 hours
Time window 2: Tu, 16-17 hours
Time window 3: Fr, 16-18 hours
Please observe the information on page 7 about the programming of overlapping
time windows.
No. 2 Days: FR
ON : HM 07:00
OFF: HM 08:59