User Manual

Maintenance, Troubleshooting
10.1. Maintenance work
The flow transmitter / pulse divider Type 8022 is maintenance-free when operated according to these operating instructions.
10.2. Error messages
Error messages are only displayed at the Read level. They are shown alternately (flashing) with the process value.
Error Cause Troubleshooting
ERR1 Value cannot be displayed
(e.g. value too high).
Change the fow rate unit
(see chapter 9.4.1. Unit – Setting the unit for the
flow rate).
ERR2 Input frequency of sensor higher than 600 Hz. Use a suitable sensor.
ERR3 Calculated output current not within range of 4-20
mA or K factor = 0.
Correctly set the flow rate range associated to the
4-20 mA current output.
Use a different sensor and/or correctly set the K
factor of the fitting used.
ERR4 Limit values of the flow rate range associated to the
4-20 mA current output not correct (Low > High).
Correctly set the values.
ERR5 The K factor times the set volume (converted in liters)
pro pulse is < 1.
Check the set K factor.
If the K factor is correct, enter a higher volume pro
pulse so that the K factor times the set volume
(converted in liters) pro pulse is equal to or higher
than 1.
Tab. 2: Error messages
10.3. Default values
Upon delivery, the following default values are saved:
Parameter Value
Liters/second [l/s]
K factor (of fitting used)
1 pulse/liter [imp/l]
Volume pro pulse 1 liter
Output signal (OUT) 4-20 mA
Lower flow rate limit
0 liters/second [l/s]
Upper flow rate limit
250 liters/second [l/s]
Tab. 3: Default values
Type 8022