Alpine Brochure

Aspen Boilers
High efciency, high performance
With AFUEs up to 96%, the Aspen boiler is one
of the most efficient boilers you can own. This
is achieved by mating the proven and reliable
performance of a high efficiency stainless steel
firetube heat exchanger with the Sage2.3 boiler
control system. The impressive list of high-value
standard features that come standard with the
Aspen adds to the overall efficiency savings that
they can provide.
Wall or oor mounted option
The space-saving low depth profile of these boilers
offers tremendous flexibility in tight installation
spaces. Aspen boilers are ready to be wall mounted
right out of the box, saving even more space. Boiler
leg kits are also available for installations where a
wall mount is impractical.
High performance…even at high
When your home is 2,000 feet (or more) above
sea level, you typically wind up buying a boiler
that is larger and more expensive than it needs to
be. Why? Because all boilers lose a percentage
of heating capacity at higher altitudes. The Aspen
boiler's retains its capacity at a higher
rate than most competitive models. In
fact, most models only lose less than
1% of their capacity (industry standard
is 4%) in high altitude installations.
Many sizes available
Aspen boilers are available in (5) residential sizes.
The Aspen Light Commercial model is also available
in (2) larger sizes for installations with higher
heating demands.
High efficiency
boiler with
fire tube heat
Aspen Light
Also available as a Combi boiler!
What's a combi boiler? It's a boiler that provides
heat in the winter and domestic hot water all year
long. Combi boilers provide hot water on demand,
eliminating the need for a separate hot water tank.