User's Manual

Rejecting a call
You can reject an incoming call by:
û Pressing the End call button k on the PCM.
- or -
û Selecting "
Reject" in the call menu.
- or -
û Briefly pressing the left rotary knob
- or -
û Pressing the End call button on the external
cell phone.
- or - (with multi-function steering wheel with
telephone function)
û Pressing the End call button on the multi-
function steering wheel.
- or - (with handset)
û Pressing the Reject button on the handset.
Dialing a number
1. Press the c button.
The PHONE main menu appears.
2. Select "
Dial number".
The input menu for telephone numbers is
opened. The input field for the telephone
number is blank.
3. Select the individual digits in the telephone
number one after the other.
4. Select "
Call number".
The telephone call is established and the call
menu is displayed.
Always enter the telephone number with the
dialing code.
Using the quick dial (redial) function
You open the quick dial menu by pressing the Lift
receiver button l on the PCM. This menu
contains a list of the last numbers dialed.
1. Press the Lift receiver button l on the PCM.
2. Select the person you wish to talk to.
3. Select "
Call number" or press the Lift receiver
button l on the PCM again.
- or -
Select the first list entry "
Dial number".
The input menu for telephone numbers opens.
4. Enter the desired telephone number.
5. Select "
Call number".
Using the direct dial function
If a telephone number is displayed in a menu and
you press the Lift receiver button l on the PCM,
this number is dialed directly.