User guide

Tips for Use continued…
SOC 1.1 Ratios.
The following graph shows the input to output relationship of the four ratios with the Drive
control set fully clockwise.
From this graph we see that for lower ratios settings (2:1 and 5:1), the ratio is ultimately
achieved only after another further 10dB of gain reduction from threshold, (threshold
meaning 0dB gain reduction). For higher ratios, (10:1 and 20:1) the ultimate ratio is
achieved within approx. 10dB and 5dB respectively.
This area of the graph represents the “soft knee” of the SOC 1.1 compression characteristic
and is an important feature of it’s design.
Choosing a low ratio settings for gentle control of level and thereby increasing the loudness
of a sound within a mix is possible without signal degradation and minimal colouration. On
the other hand, with higher ratio settings, a sound may be “clamped” or levelled whilst still
retaining some audible dynamic.
Note that the 20:1 ratio setting is virtually hard limiting in that a 20dB input change only results
in a 1dB output change.
Clean the SOC 1.1 with a damp cloth and a little detergent. Do not use solvents or isopropyl
alcohol, it may damage the finish.