User Manual

ImpactXtreme Operator’s Manual 8 March 2013
c) Press to scroll to Span Calibration and press to begin the calibration..
4) Select the sensor channels to calibrate.
a) Press to select or deselect the channels that you will calibrate.
b) Press to move to the next channel.
c) When ready, press to continue to the next step.
5) When prompted, press to confirm that you are in a normal atmosphere (20.9% O2) that
is free of hazardous gas.
a) If you are not in a normal atmosphere (20.9% O2) that is free of hazardous gas, press
to cancel the Span Calibration.
6) Before calibrating, the detector automatically performs a zero calibration. For more
information, see Zero Calibration.
7) When zero calibration is complete, the results are displayed.
a) To cancel the zero calibration, press . When prompted, press to confirm the
cancellation. The detector returns to the main Calibration menu.
8) Span Calibration begins.
9) If FLM catalytic sensors or PID sensors are installed and selected for calibration, the target
calibration gas screens are displayed.