User's Manual

Wind speed display range 0 ~ 112mph, 50m/s, 180km/h, 97knots
Resolution mph, m/s, km/h and knots (1 decimal place)
Speed accuracy < 5m/s: +/- 0.5m/s; > 5m/s: +/- 6% (whichever is greater)
Display mode Gust / Average
Memory modes Historical Data of past 24 hours, Max Gust / Average
Alarm Hi Wind Speed Alert (Average)
Wind direction display mode 16 directions or 360 degree
Rain Display & Function Specication
Note: The following details are listed as they are displayed or operate on the console.
Unit for rainfall mm and in
Accuracy for rainfall ± 7% or 1 tip
Range of rainfall 0 ~ 19999mm (0 ~ 787.3 in)
Resolution 0.254mm (3 decimal place in mm)
Display modes Current
Memory modes Historical Data of the past 24 hours, Max
Rainfall display mode Hourly / Daily / Weekly / Monthly / Total rainfall
Alarm Hi Daily Rainfall Alert
Note: The following detail are listed as they are displayed or operate on the console.
Display range 0 ~ 16
Resolution 1 decimal place
Display mode UV index, sunburn time
Memory modes Historical Data of past 24 hours, Max
Alarm Hi UV Alert
Note: The following detail are listed as they are displayed or operate on the console
Light intensity unit Klux, Kfc and W/m²
Display range 0 ~ 200Klux
Resolution Klux, Kfc and W/m² (2 decimal place)
Memory modes Historical Data of past 24 hours, Max
Alarm Hi Light Intensity Alert
Weather Index Display & Function Specication
Note: The following details are listed as they are displayed or operate on the console
Weather index mode Feels like, Wind Chill, Heat Index and Dew point
Feels like display range -65 ~ 50°C
Dew point display range -20 ~ 80°C
Heat index display range 26 ~ 50°C
Wind chill display range -65 ~ 18°C (wind speed >4.8km/h)
Display modes Current
Memory modes Historical Data of past 24 hours, Max / Min
Feels like Hi/Lo Alert; Dew Point Hi/Lo Alert; Heat Index Hi
Alert, Wind Chill Lo Alert