Product Specs

C. PCB board: because metal will weaken the function of the antenna, when giving the module board,
it is strictly forbidden to lay the ground and line under the module antenna.
D. Because the metal case is shielding the RF signal, it is recommended not to install it in the
metal case
E. With regard to the use environment, wireless signals are easily affected by the surrounding
environment, such as trees, metals and other obstacles will have a certain absorption of
wireless signals, so in practical applications, the distance of data transmission is affected
to a certain extent
8. Recommended reflux temperature
Key features of the profile
- Initial Ramp=1-2.5/ sec to 175equilibrium
- Equilibrium time=60 to 80seconds
Ramp to Maximum temperature (250)=3/ sec Max
- Time above liquidus temperature(217 seconds 45-90
- Device absolute maximum reflow temperature250
(OEM) Integrator has to assure compliance of the entire end-product incl. the integrated RF Module. For
15 B 15.107 and if applicable §15.109) compliance, the host manufacturer is required to show
compliance with 15 while the module is installed and operating.
Furthermore the module should be transmitting and the evaluation should confirm that the module's
intentional emissions (15C) are compliant (fundamental / out-of-band). Finally the integrator has to apply
the appropriate equipment authorization (e.g. Verification) for the new host device per definition in