
BEKEN FCC, CE and BQB identification operation declaration
Module statement
The single-modular transmitter is a self-contained, physically delineated, component for
which compliance can be demonstrated independent of the host operating conditions, and
which complies with all eight requirements of § 15.212(a)(1) as summarized below.
1) The radio elements have the radio frequency circuitry shielded.
2) The module has buffered modulation/data inputs to ensure that the device will comply
with Part 15 requirements with any type of input signal.
3) The module contains power supply regulation on the module.
4) The module contains a permanently attached antenna.
5) The module demonstrates compliance in a stand-alone configuration.
6) The module is labeled with its permanently affixed FCC ID label
7) The module complies with all specific rules applicable to the transmitter, including all the
conditions provided in the integration instructions by the grantee.
8) The module complies with RF exposure requirements.
This transmitter/module must not be collocated or operating in conjunction with any other
antenna or transmitter.
Integration instructions for host product manufacturers according to KDB 996369 D03 OEM Manual v01
2.2 List of applicable FCC rules
FCC Part 15.247
2.3 Specific operational use conditions
his transmitter/module and its antenna(s) must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any transmitter.
This information also extends to the host manufacturers instruction manual.
2.4 Limited module procedures
not applicable
2.5 Trace antenna designs
It is “not applicable” as trace antenna which is not used on the module.
2.6 RF exposure considerations
This equipment complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This
compliance to FCC radiation exposure limits for an uncontrolled environment, and minimum of 50mm separation
between antenna and body.
The host product manufacturer would provide the above information to end users in their end-product manuals.
2.7 Antennas
PCB antenna; 0dBi; 2.402 GHz2.480GHz
2.8 Label and compliance information
The end product must carry a physical label or shall use e-labeling followed KDB784748D01 and KDB 784748
stating “Contains Transmitter Module FCC ID: 2AR7VF-9788”.
2.9 Information on test modes and additional testing requirements
No. 1.Preparatory work
1Certified machines that have been burned fcc, software