
It can be assumed that safe operation is no longer possible if:
- the device shows visible damage
- the device no longer functions
- the device was stored under unfavourable conditions for an extended period of
- if it was subjected to heavy stress during transport
Do not switch on the device immediately after it was taken from a cold to a warm
environment. The condensation that forms might destroy your device. Allow the
device to reach room temperature before switching it on.
Do not leave the packaging material lying around carelessly since such materials
can become dangerous toys in the hands of children.
In schools, training centres, computer and self-help workshops, handling of technical
devices must be supervised by trained personnel in a responsible manner.
At industrial sites, the accident prevention regulations of the association of the
industrial workers’ societies for electrical equipment and utilities must be followed.
Use other than that described can lead to damage to the product and may involve
additional risks such as, for example, short circuit, re, electric shock, etc.
The relay must only be connected by a specialist! Only open the “GX107” when
powered down!