
10. Introduction Command Format
Before you can use the “GX107”, you have to congure it. Conguration is performed by simple
text message commands you send to the “GX107” (the phone number of the SIM card in the
“GX107”) from your mobile phone.
This method makes it possible to activate, deactivate or change the settings of your “GX107”
from anywhere.
The text messages to programme the “GX107” have the following structure:
<1. word> <2nd word> <Parameter 1> <Parameter 2> <…> <#PIN>
Every text message sent to the “GX107” must end with the set PIN, appended with “#”,
for reasons of safety. If you do not include <#[PIN]> at the end of the text message,
it will be discarded! No answering text message will be generated without the correct
PIN number!
The individual words and parameters must be separated by a space each.
General overview:
1. word determines what you want to do, e.g.:
SET = switch on/activate
RESET = switch off/deactivate
TEST = test/check
2. word determines the function, e.g.:
OUT1 = Output 1 (relay)
IN1 = Input (optocoupler)
ADC = Analogue input
3. Parameter 1, e.g.:
DE or EN = language DE = German, EN = English
4. Parameter 2, e.g.:
-010 = Negative temperature
5. Pin number
#1513 = PIN number at basic setting (can be changed)