
11.3 Saving Phone Numbers
Up to 6 phone numbers can be programmed into the “GX107”.
In case of alarm, a notication text message is sent to each of these phone numbers.
Additionally, only these phone numbers are accepted for the INCALL function.
If the same number is in the list several times, it will receive the same text message as many times.
The “GX107” generally can only process phone numbers in the international format.
Example: 0177/12131415 -> +4917712131415
Sent the corresponding text message command to the “GX107”:
SET TEL1 +49111… #1513
SET TEL2 +49222… #1513
SET TEL6 +49666… #1513
The “GX107” offers the option of programming several phone numbers in a single command. If
you want to programme 3 phone numbers, for example (TEL1 to TEL3):
SET TEL1 +49111… +49222… + 49333… #1513
After sending the command “SET TEL....”, you will receive a text message answer with a
list of the phone numbers saved:
GX107 1.xx
- - - - - - - - - - -
….. etc. ……