Operating Instructions

Page 9FM Transmitter 2
To transmit audio from the FM Transmitter 2, it is best to nd a clear FM frequency
that is not being broadcast on and is free from interference.
1. To nd an unused frequency in your area, you can go to www.radio locator.com,
click on “nd vacant channels” and enter your zip code and state. It will list
vacant frequencies as “best”, “next best”, “third best’’. You can also use a radio
and scan through the entire FM band (using a digital radio will be easiest). Look for
the largest gap in between stations. Once you nd a gap, select a frequency
located somewhere in the middle. Example: If there are no stations broadcasting
between 90.1 - 93.5, select 91.5. Preferably there won’t be a station broadcasting
on either side of the frequency you have selected.
2. Now on your FM Transmitter 2, turn the power on. Use the
Up or Down Tuning Arrows to select the same frequency
as you have set on your radio. Hold the arrows down for
faster tuning.
3. With the FM Transmitter 2 plugged into the radio, or other audio source, make sure
you have adequate volume. The Audio Input Indicator LED will ash green in
normal use. If the LED light rapidly ashes red or glows steadily red, it is indicating
there is too much volume, causing distortion. Adjust the Input Level Control on the
side of the unit or adjust the volume of your audio source until the Audio Input
Indicator LED light goes back to ashing green. (See page 7 for location of
Antenna Orientation
Start with the antenna straight up and fully
extended. You can then orientate the antenna
to help transmit the signal a certain direction.