
Appendix E Display Cluster Protocol 269
FEEDBACK The WATCHOUT cluster master sends feedback messages to the controller.
Note that the controller must be prepared to receive such messages at any time
– not only as a direct response to particular commands.
Most commands execute silently, unless an error occurs. Use the command ID
tagging feature to force commands to be positively acknowledged, if desired
(see “Command ID Tagging” on page 274). When using command ID
tagging, any feedback message sent as a direct response to a command will
be tagged by that command ID, and will be sent to the sender of that
Any spontaneous feedback message (that is, not directly associated with a
particular command) will be sent to the most recently connected or authenti-
cated controller.
Ready Sent once when becomes ready after being busy (as indicated by one or more
Busy messages). Also sent as response to the “ping” command.
Ready "2.0" "WATCHPOINT" "Windows" true
Feedback Parameter Description
<string> The version of the program.
<string> The name of the program.
<string> The name of the computer/OS.
<bool> License key is up to date.
[<string>] Address of originator (empty or omitted if originating from the master).