User's Manual

Appendix F. Users Manual
ETL Inc.
#584, Sangwhal-ri,
Kanam-myon, Yoju-kun,
Kyounggi-do, 469-885, Korea
22 of 37
Report No: E02.0627.FCC.370N
Date of Issue: June 27, 2002
C&S Technology Inc.
Multimedia Portable Player
Model : SP-100
Delete To remove selected contents from an address file.
Download To download address file to a Session Player.
To save address file in a Session player by upload it to a PC
1) Start Session Manager Program and connect a Session Player by an USB cable. And
then Turn ON a Session Player.
2) Choose Contacts at the Category Tool Bar and click Upload icon.
3) The _ADDRESS_BOOK_.CTA file in a home directory for an address book contains
address data from a Session Player.
4) Rename _ADDRESS_BOOK_.CTA file.
Upload To upload address file in a Session player to a PC.
To save _ADDRESS_BOOK_.CTA file at the Contacts home directory into another file
1) Move to the Home directory using Window Explorer utility.
2) Select _ADDRESS_BOOK_.CTA file and then press right button of a mouse and select
Rename .
3) Specify new file name.
New To add new item to a address book.
Edit To edit or modify selected item.